Monday, August 24, 2009

30 Hours Famine

Im back from 30Hours Famine!!!! 2009 30hours famine officially end! join us back next year! wahahaha... 80% of them will right? never regret right? haha... YMM Puchong rocks! 30hours famine was HIGH till MAX!! and never forget my dear idol - Amei! xD loves~

22 Aug

woke up at 6.15am. reached SSL at 7.30am. 9am ate some bread ONLY and afterthat i dint eat anything. except lolipop =.= briefing on the stage early in the morning. did what we need do too. praticed our tuan kang dance. i copied my "homework" for the game. after finish my "homework", i walked down from the stage. someone called my name. i saw a sesat-for-long-time friend. Its Wei Lin. oh mehhh.. kinda shock! and i dont know what respond i should give so i just say hi to her. never expect she join our camp. =)

then the camp started at 12PM sharp! wootZ!!! hmmm... the speech took us a lot of time. thats why we are lack of time for the games. we cut off some games. SAD case. and they changed their plan suddenly. make me so confuse @@ first time be "fu dao yuan" no experience at all. and one of my team campers was from YMM Wilayah.. because of her, im so damn pressure. YMM Wilayah is the Best among all the State. Their camps are always the best! anyway, i tried my best to do my job and i know im not the worst one.

then Pei Jie the singer came. he has his own album. =) he's cute too. all the committees stood behind and try to make the atmosphere great. within 10minutes, we sucessed. dancing all the way. haha Zhan Hou and Me shake hand with Pei Jie xD both of us always do the stupid things. haha~ a very good sotplak partner xD

its live band time (got superstar, ASQ). WE SWEAT LIKE HELL! like CLUBBING inside the HALL. lol! dance dance and DaNcEE! so crazy~ =D i like the atmosphere.. everyone GET HIGH! except those who stand outside. well, maybe they think its too noisy or maybe they're not active or maybe they think its lame. tonnes of maybe..... those who cant stand the echo, i understand. & for my opinion.. the auntie should be more open. age problem? you join us, should be more open right? who cares you are old. whatever... continue my story... the Highest part was the Live Band lor~ hahhahaha.. most of them were just like after bathing.. lol...

afterthat... err... i forgot what ady lor.. >.< Kopi because she was listening to the ghost story and dont want too sleep. i slept on the
chair On The Stage and another corner of the stage was Sook Fun, she slept like mayat. =.= Suddenly they shouted so loud because of the lame ghost story. i get shock by their shouting and woke up. -.-lll want to give a damn but cant.. hahaha... nothing to do afterthat, i continue to find my 'zhou gong'.

23 Aug

cai ying woke me up at 5.30AM. every committees must wake up at 5.30am. damn early.. what to do.. committee mar.... being a committes isnt that easy. sleep late but wake up early. prepare the activity, find sponsor, meeting..

7AM, sharing opinions part, cool every down because they are so high early in the morning. swt.... we start our sharing time. YinPeng the one who spoke, cried suddenly. lol... extremely same like Amei, always cry easily? hahaha... then i saw some of campers starting to cry. they cried because all the Poor-Little-Children. the childrens really need our help. btw, im the one who almost cry but i never. hahaha... Julia CRIED! lol...

then its closing ceremony. journalist came too with YB Dato. haha~ im in the Sin Chew Daily 24 Aug, pg 20. =) then its time for us to depart to the Stadium! WOOHOO!!!

ermmm.. i dont want to say much bout that. okay.. you know what? we're so tired and sleepy because we never eat for 20hours+. but 5PM, we were all ENERGETIC! gosh!!! because the singers? dont know... we shout and shout.. keep on doing special actions.

we shouted "HAO REN, WO AI NI." for HaoRen. At least he gave us respond. nice =)
and he thanks us. xD

阿妹!阿妹!阿妹! ~~~~~ we shouted. but its not.

"YISE YISE, WO AI NI." for Luo YiSe. but she cant hear... its too noisy when we shout.

阿妹!阿妹!阿妹!~~~~~ we shouted again after Luo YiSe. but not also. =.=

"PHOEBE PHOEBE, WO AI NI. (in Mei Lan Mei Lan, Wo Ai Ni Tones) " phoebe HEARD! OMG! she said "刚才谁有叫的请举手..." everyone from our group raise the hands! then she said "请你们唱多一次可以吗?" hahaha.. then we sang it again. =) she thanks us also. xD

阿妹!阿妹!阿妹!~~~~~ the 3rd times. not also =.=

"哪里去寻找 DANIEL 的爱" for daniel.. bull shit... he dont even care us. =.=
shouted 3 times. he never give us respond, not even once.

阿妹!阿妹!阿妹!阿妹!~~~ o.O the Emcee came out. lol

hahaha! finally, its
Amei!! wahahahaa...
damn syok damn syok~
we shout and shout.. but its really noisy. everyone shouting
wo ai ni wo ai ni... >.< she sang 3songs =) its good enough. because for TW & S'pore, she sang only 2 songs.
excited + proud part.. guess what?
our group members did the
Amei SAW! and she said "上面的朋友做的手势很整齐哦.... 我要你们全部跟着他们做可以吗~ " (ermm.. she said something like this.. >.<'''') 7K campers in Stadium look at us and did the same thing like us. Damn Proud wehhh.... and Syok! Asia Queen AMEI leh~~~~
Amei shake hand with Chester, Irene they all (M'sia Amei Fans Club) leh~
never msg me where are they cause Irene thought i never attend. lol~
if not i think i'll have a chance
to shake hand with Amei too~ Sad case.....

countdown session was really GREAT.
we drank V-Soy at 6PM sharp. hahahahaha...
Amei was so rush.. She from Tai Dong (her kpg, flood) rush to M'sia.
afterthat rush back i think.
hope she take a good rest lor~

most of us went back SSL.
me, Yin Peng, Boey, Calvin, Zhi Chuan & Sook Fun went for dinner.
10pm+ reached home. tired like hell~

pictures will upload later.

SaD FroG

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