Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Random Pictures.

Titanic~ My Heart Will Go On.
both of us keep doing stupid things at IOI.. hahaha..

Pictures during 21 Aug, IOI New Wing.



Aug 22 , Amei was at TaiDong her kampung.
Lets see what she did at there.
one of her relative had already RIP. =(
but she still can sing well during the countdown concert.

she look weird but i dont care. i know i love her!

walaoeh... who believe she's a Asia Pop Queen in this picture?

All the pictures from Amei Malaysia Fans Club


Amei ^^



Micheal & Francissca

Suki. Amei concert she's there too. no one bother her. lol

Daniel Lee

YiSe Loo

Hao Ren

damn yong sui.. dont like him.

our group at 1.06. wakaka... PROUD man~
Amei was so CUTE! omg omg omg!
see how she dance... T__T
the way she smile was extremely sweet.

Our Group was in
8 Tv E-News, Sin Chew Daily & China Press
2009 Aug 24

SaD FroG

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

30 hours famine Random!

our group at 8TV E-News!

Amei pointing them! they so syok lor!
aiyo... some more fly kiss for Chester. damn envy him.
Amei always recognise him.

haha! she saw them!

i get from Amei Malaysia Fans Club's members.


Zone C! wakaka...

Micheal & Francissca

YiSe Loo =)

sharing opinions

wahaha! me! simply bang the drum.. lol


Me and Zhan Hou shake hands with Pei Jie xD

campers learning Tuan Kang

Committees teaching Tuan Kang

My Group's Rubbish Model

look at us.. haha... too bad no video.. got video really LMAO!

HAHA! LAUGH OUT LOUD! this girl.. very funny de.. keep ask me high with her >.<>
this is so funny. pretending on a rollar coaster. haha

Yin Peng (YMM's Amei) & me

SaD FroG