Thursday, June 18, 2009

Belated Celebration!

"why no update blog?"
oh~ stop asking. i update now. haha
this is about my belated sweet 16th.

location: Neway
time: 3pm-7pm

we went neway after the school end.
they planned this celebration last week and they told me.
okay.. i dont wanna crap a lot.
the MAIN point i blog is to tell you how noob is the waiter. HAHA!
ixin and kyi went out from the room.
i was like... whats going on? toilet? or cake?
i sense there'll be a cake for me. cause they said its a celebration right? if they never tell maybe i wont think bout it..
but i think for a while...
yyin and kyi used a short time to reach neway.
impossible they go somewhere else to buy a cake.
so i thought there's nothing lor.. whatever~ continue to sing.
around 6pm, a waiter came in and asked
" this room order a cake right? "
my brain immediately pop out "CAKE?"
and i quickly said " HAHA! sudah bocor! "
their dissapointed look so funny lor.. while me so happy cause they failed!
then i only know the cake was bought from Neway.
I dint know that Neway sell cakes lor. LOL
blame that waiter spoilt you guys' plan!
and this plan i used before on yongyin lor. aiyaya.....
they started to sing the bday song but the cake haven come.
oh my god. how suck he is!

photo time!

i love this pic so much!

that yongyin pushed me and i kena cream! RAWR

wish~ wish~wish~

6 of us!

More pictures at

you will definately see something stupid there! haha

once again,
thanks for the celebration and the cake!
and thanks to the waiter ^^


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