Saturday, May 30, 2009

Teacher's Day? hmm...

hi there! im new here.
and this is my very first new post.


Mid Term Exam OFFICIALLY ended! hell yeah *.*Y
after the exam weeks, there was a "Anti Dadah Week"? duh =.=
i never attend to school for 2days! haha. should be 3days. lol.. but im a good student
and yesterday was Teacher's day?
actually i should have my dream at home.
but since there's a celebration, so i went. ^^ told ya im a good student =)
Teacher's day? but it's more like a Children's day. lol
here are the pictures. enjoy the photos weh~

Prey VS Predator.
Please, She's pulling her pants.

I have no idea what she's trying to do. =.=

The stupidness of us.Pn Chow? She said she's young. lol


Posing~ haha

Grab them and never let go!

Mei Yen, Sam, Me

Sam, me

Oh~ she's tired after playing with them.

These are only parts of them.
want more?


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