Friday, February 17, 2012

hello 2012 :)

Hey readers! How are you guys doing? So this will be my first post for 2012! Sorry for not updating :D Im living happily, no depress, no stress, no sad, no emo etc. Well, what i can say? Chilling.

I just feel like blogging now, so here i am. did ya miss me? LOL

Semester 3. 
Too much of holidays. Yes, im complaining. I cant recalled what i've learn after so much of holidays and funs i had. 3 subjects for this semester, yeah kinda free and relax. No, ITS NOT! Feeling stress and thinking too much lately. All about studies. You guys know how sucks im in dealing with numbers. This is the 5th week of sem 3. I realized that i cant think logically which make me having difficulties to solve some Adv Maths questions and also Programming Coding. Was so freak out with that. 

I was the first one who made appointment to demo my system for the first week. So lol.. I dont know why most of my classmates thought that im clever and smart. Then my phone non stop ringing for few days, keep asking me to teach and asking how to do this and that. So ridiculous! Just because of im the first one who demo? I've to admit that im good in practical but not theory :P Im not as good as what you guys think, just an ordinary IT student whom sucks in mathematics. 

Besides, i've some ego classmates. After the Programming test, she teased me "Esther, i know you very pro. Keep ask Sir questions." I was like huh? I dont understand what the question want, of course i needa ask to get it solved. When it comes to mathematics, I asked them to teach me and this is what they said "I also dont know how to do lar... How to teach you?" with full solving methods on the paper. Yor, wtf? I meant not all of them, only the ego ones. Never mind, i bear with it :)

I hate and blamed that why im not god in dealing with numbers? why i cant think simple? why.. why.. and why... Adv Maths, i know it's not that hard. but how can i get the question solved if i cant think logically? 1 took 1hour to finished up 1 question which is only 8marks. While for Maths, im totally blanked as usual. Havta type coding to complete my final project every week from this week on. Im feeling lifeless anyway.  I cant sleep well every night. Expected life for an IT student. 

Enough of all these rantings, time is precious. It does not wait anyone of us. Should invest my time more in coding LOL macam very serious hor? hahahaha but not kidding. Hitting the sack now! :D

P/S: My soul isnt with me. 

With Loves,
CPL :)


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