Friday, September 9, 2011

Run, baby run!
keep running.
but it never seemed to end.
is life all about giving up?

fell. hurt. fatigue.
till i couldnt get up?
dont worry,
im still standing very HARD.

close my eyes.
all i ever wanted.

so fade away.
i dont like to sway.
sleep to forget.
and never regret.

I dont know, feel like mixing around with people but i dont think i could fit in. Maybe its my attitude. My style of talking? My personality? My fault? Have been thinking a lot lately. Somehow dont feel like blogging nor talking. Keep everything in my heart, not telling anyone. Pretending im okay. Why im feeling so lost and hollow again? Flipped the Bible and i get nothing? Messed up all the verses. This is real terrible. Prayer prayer prayer. Oh headache!

With Loves,
CPL =)


  1. open up ur heart n speak to someone else doesnt mean n show u r weak.
    human is still human v need frens to share the story and life. dats y god not only created adam but also eve. Besides of they can continue creating human, they also got shoulder to lean on.
    nothing wrong to speak out things hidden deep inside ur heart.
    is juz like, v r still not trusted by u when everytime u wan to sad ur own n hide urself.

  2. not to say hiding myself, i actually know how to handle it so i dont think i need to tell anyone. as if i get more comment, i think i'll be thinking more than that. dont want anyone of you worry bout me. thats what i feel la.. thank you anyway :)
