Monday, September 14, 2009

excited xD

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i received this on saturday 6.18pm.
i was at my grandpa's funeral, folding "money".
after i read the message.
i straight away whole my phone and jump up then shout YEAH!
wanna bring that message to mummy.
when i go to my mum, she scolded me =.=
swt.. i cant control so sudden ma.
and the sai gong said cant sad, cry but never cant too happy also.
how i know -.-lll
hell yeah.. im so excited now.
cant wait to go TW!! hahahaha

sunday my family and relatives went to the fairy park.
dont know why..
a scene keep on crashing in my mind.

Grandpa: go out and help me buy
Me: okay! okay!

i was standard 4 that time.
and my parent dont allow me to cycle or go out.
so every time my grandpa ask me to buy
i will be very happy cause i have chance to cycle out and buy ice cream.
this is what i always do.

this was a RED funeral, not BLUE.
which means my grandpa is 100years old older.
we should not cry and sad, but i think not too happy also?
if not why my mum scolded me =.=
lastly, R.I.P grandpa.

SaD FroG

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