Thursday, January 20, 2011

Everything goes up, must come down.

I get to know, each time i break down, i fall, i bruise, i pause, i die. Its hard to believe that ‘LIKE’ often leads to LOVE, then to EXPECTATIONS, then to the heartbreaking DISAPPOINTMENT but this is the way how it works. The LOVE circle for ME.
I dont understand why, even people say you cant never know what is love, how is love created, where is love and WHY THE PHUCK LOVE EVER EXIST and people are always looking for something, searching, always, FOREVER. Agree or not? On the other hand, is that HUMANS are always hiding something, stashing it, always and forever! Whatever it is, it aint good. Hahahaha~~
March, the dead month of mine. Im afraid of March. The month you left me, i dont want to recall anything. I KNOW i get OVER you and i FACE the FACT. You know, the Machines guy? heeeeee~ Never mind. Im HAPPY with my life but just.. I dont know why, i dont want March to come. Perhaps there's a lot of things for me to decide. There comes the result, and here i have to decide which course and which college. 
No worries, dear. Im just here and HERE. 
Next update will be my 2011's first blood. Stay tune, readers.
With Loves,
CPL =)

Friday, January 7, 2011


The 2nd of work. LOL! Getting interesting lah my office. =.= Customer argue with PIC was interesting! >.< Okay, Im a Indoor Sales Consultant. Job Scope - Serve walk in customer, take order, do adobe photoshop and illustrator, follow up emails. Not many customers, so far lah... max 3 customers 1day lor. Hey, not pak wu ying ya! 1 sales can be very high price. Product services - Bunting, Banner, Name Card, Sign Board, Name Card, Flyers and other printing stuffs. I love my job though its kinda boring. lol~ sitting infront the computer, surf net, watch drama, play games and the main job of the computer is to do photoshop and illustrator. Perfect job for me since im interested with it! hahahahaha! Its so easy after memorizing the products. You know what?! I have to face all the BRANDED CARS everyday! Wuatafak! Especially the Audi and Mez =.= My clerics are funny~ LMAO! My company sponsor us to go for sports every sat 2pm-4pm. Its a compulsory! no option for that. Its a MUST to go because it's still working hours. Conclusion, I love my job but I hate boring! Is bored being bored as being bored is so bored! GRRR!!

With Loves,
CPL =)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Fox

I wont force you to tell me. As my style, I ask for few times and I dont get anything, I will stop asking. There's  no point for me to force you to tell me. I always believe you'll tell me if you want. Same goes to my other friends. Sorrow and pain always fall on a normal human being but always remember there's always tomorrow. Anyway, just call me when you need a hand/ shoulder. Of course it wont be long, until the day i need somebody to lean on. Call me up, I will be there for you. =) 

With Loves,
CPL ^^

Monday, January 3, 2011

Random Shopping

The TANGS~ I love the TANGS but somehow it let me down. =.=
Haiz.. only 2outlets, cant they just take in the same brands? 
Some brands @ Empire, some brands @ Pavillion.

I want Nixon black silicone watch. Its at Empire. I want Fred Perry shoe. Its at Pavillion. Walao~~~ Dont know lah =.= Aduhh.. Gek sam~ Hopefully they will call me when the stock reach. I want that black NIXON!!!! GAHHHHHHH!!! Went for a random shopping. Bought working outfits. Maybe la~ if not working then keep it at cupboard only. LOL. Mountain people mountain sea! Dont wanna find shirts from those messy corner with big 50% Discount manilla card there. Fitting room flooded with humans. My gawd~ And I met JM and SkyKino today at seksyen1! hahahahahaha

Parent getting crazy now days. Nag people without reason. My bro and I really cant stand for it anymore. =.= Aiks~ Bro gonna start his school again, I guess I should really get a job! If not I'll be the only victim.

Since the day i came back from SG, I think I went out every night. LOL!! Every night with different people. Thomas, KP, Pierre Tan, SF, Ah Wah, VPiow, EuGene, IX, MY, LS.. New Year eve with The Gang of guys. My gosh~ Ah Wah asked for yam cha tonight. I balik sudah macam mayat so I slept. hahahahahaha~  

With Loves,
CPL =)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Let me share how I celebrate me New Year Eve and New Year =)

I had been thinking for the whole day, should I go out or stay home to watch Amei's performance? I dont want go to those crowded and spray playing place. So, I decided to go USJ to find Charlyne afterthat met up with Koay and The Gang at 8 Road Restaurant for dinner. Then I head home to wait for Amei's performance. LOL~~ Home alone! Damn fucking sien... I dont want to go Jen's house. I dont know why I have this mind set. >.< Wait Wait Wait~ Tweet Tweet Tweet with Hooi Min. She was at Jen's place. Then I went also. =.= To wait for Amei's performance together. 11pm+ Jen and her friends wanted to go Puteri Hill. I dont want. I still want my Amei. HAHAHAHA! Great, she's here! But I watched few songs then I flew to IOI Boulevard. Piaw chui me there. Ah Wah ffk!!! Sei zai bao! I met up Koay and The Gang first and countdown, watch fireworks together. WOW! EPIC man! Puchong most happening place! xD After that, I met up Piaw... LOL!! They finished drinking. ~.~ Actually they called me at 8pm but I promised Koay to have dinner with them. So I drank 1 glass with them and headed to 1Puchong to meet up Koay and The Gang again. You know what? I cant start my car. Keep calling for help =.= Hak dou ngo ahhh~ Liu dou biu chut lei! Yam Cha with them till 2.15am. Keep laughing non stop. Deii.. my mouth almost chao gan. LMAO!

New Year? Stay @ home type blog =.=

With Loves,
CPL =)